My Fault….

Today during lunch, Baby Bot was drinking his juice with a straw. After a big annoying slurp he looked at me and announced accusingly, “It is all gone. It is your fault.” What the what? Pardon me, kid. Are you taking lessons from your sister?

Easter Bunny Poop….

I am having a hard time potty training Baby Bot. He really likes to go “Boom Boom” in his diaper. Okay. I’ll be honest. He loves to go “Boom Boom” in his diaper.  It’s his thing.  We all have our things. And this is his….

The Boob Man….

Remember when I was saying that Baby Bot is a little bit behind compared to when Whirlwind was two? I wish I had waited a bit before writing that. Because Bot, is as smart as a damn whip. Me not so much. I guess he…

Boys and Guns….

I don’t get it. We don’t have guns in the house. We don’t hunt. We aren’t police officers. We don’t have toy guns or water guns. We don’t watch television shows with guns. How do little boys learn this? Are they born with some sort…

Keeping It In The Family…

Whirlwind has been really interested in marriage lately. Stupid Disney Princesses. On our way to dance class the other day, she announced for probably the 9th time in three days, that she wanted to marry her brother, Baby Bot. I told her, “You can’t marry…

My Ratty Old Underwear…

I’ve been embarrassed plenty of times by Whirlwind. Like the time she wanted to talk about my Big Vagina. Or the time she kicked me. How about the time she pulled up my dress at the dessert bar? Though my favourite has to be the time she wanted to talk…

Imposter Mommy…..

Whirlwind is an actress.  She is very creative and will do anything for a laugh. I have no idea where she gets this from……. Ahem. Dance class. School.  Hotel.  Gymnastics Class.  Baby.  Restaurant. We play it all. This morning she was putting on a concert….


Whirlwind and I were making muffins, to keep her busy I told her to read the recipe. She starts to read and says,  “ Put in raisins and get electrocuted.” And she calls me weird.