They Didn’t Want Me…

I had the coolest opportunity lately. It thrilled me to no end. I find in blogging that I need a few wins every once and awhile to keep me excited and motivated.  Like, being on t.v with Tyra Banks and Jillian Michaels, being named a…

Pumpkin Chip Muffins

My absolutely favourite muffins to make are pumpkin chip or carrot pineapple. It gives me wonderful memories of my childhood. There is nothing weird about this recipe except that I had to kill some jack o’lanterns in order to make the pumpkin chip muffins. Whoopsie….

Little Live Pets Giveaway…

What is the hottest toys for kids this year? One of the tops faves has to be Little Live Pets.  I mean, I finally let my kids have a hamster and they want fake pets. Go figure. My kids are itching for a Little Live…

When Your Blog Goes Down…

My blog recently went down for a week. And by down I mean it was gone. Bye Bye Mommy’s Weird. I was stressed. I called my guy. I called my other guy. I called the other guys. I texted. I emailed. I sat on hold….

Book Suggestions

What are you reading these days? I have some book suggestions for you that include a couple of memoirs, which always end up being great gifts. Plus, I have a book idea for the hard to buy guy on your list. Trust me…… I also…

Stranger Things…

Since Netflix has become part of our lives, their original programming has changed how Zed and I watch t.v. Yes, we binge watch, but there are only a few shows that we binge watch like crackers and goat cheese. They are House of Cards, The OA,…

Her First Maplelea Doll…

My daughter feels everything big.  Sad is really sad. Mad is really really mad. Scared is really really really scared. Happy is really really really really happy.Look at this face. Look at her happy. She just got her very first Maplelea Doll. This photo makes…

Barf, Snot, Poops, Cough…

I know I whined quite a bit about the summer holidays, but there was one great thing about the summer- NO BARF! NO SNOT! NO POOPS! NO COUGH! Seriously, why is it that as soon as the kids get into a school they get sick….

I Worry About My Kids Mental Health…

Everyone told me it was going to get harder. But, I didn’t know one day that I was going to have to worry about my kids mental health. Everyone said to enjoy them when they were little because things become way more difficult when they…

Fast Fashion For The Long Haul…

I am guilty of liking Fast Fashion. You know, stuff that comes out in stores like H&M, Old Navy, Forever 21 and then disappears after a season or two.  I like it because it is affordable and because it comes in my size.   Being…