Christmas Telephone….

We are playing VLOG telephone over at Blunt Mom’s today.  Have you ever heard of anything so stupid in your life? You can blame Tiffany at My Dirt for it. She’s the idiot behind all of us showing our faces. Or in my case, my…

Cookies, Cupcakes and Cardio…

Before you meet Jenn of Cookies, Cupcakes and Cardio, you should know that I hit Jillian Michaels on live t.v in front of Tyra Banks.    I’d like to introduce you to Jenn.   You see, when I first met Jenn, I knew she was…

Wild Ladies Night…

Confession:  I only called this post Wild Ladies Night, because I like the idea of some guy in his Mom’s basement looking for photos of young college women funnelling beer in bikini’s. Wrong blog, buddy. Totally, wrong blog, instead I have pictures of Hot Mom’s…

Momma Needs New Shoes….

Do you want to tell me now how much you love me or wait until I tell you the big news…? Tell me now. Awwwwww. I love you too. Kiss, Kiss. Where was I? Right, big news. Here goes…. I have gotten together with some…

Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief Review…

[embedplusvideo height=”500″ width=”480″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=gFlYHOfhPI4&width=480&height=500&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chahttp://[embedplusvideo height=”500″ width=”480″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=gFlYHOfhPI4&width=480&height=500&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2528″ /]   I’m no scientist, but however they make that reparative layer to seal my teeth is nothing short of amazing. And if I ever need instant relief, you just massage it on…

I Love Before and Afters….

You know what I am a sucker for? Weight loss success stories. I love them. I’m an addict. It’s so hard for me to get through the grocery store check out without buying three magazines. I am totally aware of where these issues come from….

Whoa… During The Day Part II…

Remember when I told you I was trying to make new friends?  Remember how I am trying to fit in at school pick up? Remember when I discovered that all of my friends were having sex during the day? Sorry that is a lot of…

I Am Not Rosie O’Donnell…

Many years ago, my friends little sister was watching The Rosie O’Donnell show and thought she was watching me on t.v. I was 21 at the time and mortified. Instead my friend and I laughed about it. Of course it was funny. I was being…

The Wall…

It will be three years this January that we have lived in this home.  I remember the move in like it was yesterday, it was a little bit hellish had it not been for some amazing friends.  It was just our luck that we had…

Blissdom Canada 2013…

I’ve been putting off writing about my experience this year at Blissdom Canada. I feel a bit blocked. And this is really weird for me to admit, but this year I don’t want to be funny about my experience.  Don’t get me wrong there were…