When leggings were coming back in style I was sort of pissed.
I mean, I had been there and done that.
It made me feel old.
But, I got over that really quick and now I think leggings are a fat girls dream.
No more middle belly roll.
No more top belly roll.
No more bottom belly roll.
Just one big roll.
Me likey.
Me no likey this….
There’s a hole in my leggings, dear Liza, dear Liza. There’s a hole in my leggings, dear Liza, A HOLE!
Okay, I have no idea what that white mark is and I am not sure how long it has been there for. You see, I have really large breasts so seeing my knees is not something that happens very often. But the hole. The hole made me freak the eff out.
Want to know why?
I bought these leggings seven years ago at Zellers, Rest In Peace, and I feel attached to them. They were my maternity leggings that I wore with Whirlwind when I was 160 lbs. I now weigh 219 lbs. Yes, I am aware, that these leggings owe me nothing. Nada. I know that. But, I am mad at them for leaving me in such a lurch.
Sort of like the time I got food poisoning on New Years Eve and my boss had to do the New Years Day 5 am. shift at the radio station.
Sorry about that.
That really sucked.
I get it now.
All because of a pair of seven year old maternity leggings.
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