I know I whined quite a bit about the summer holidays, but there was one great thing about the summer- NO BARF! NO SNOT! NO POOPS! NO COUGH!
Seriously, why is it that as soon as the kids get into a school they get sick.
Perfect example?
This year. On the 2nd day of school, my daughter was home sick.
The next round of sickness is always after the first snow flies. UGH. More barf, snot,
UGH. More barf, snot,
More barf, snot, poops and cough. I get why this happens. You see in Canada, we’re all cooped up in the winter, trying to stay warm on indoor playdates and then sharing germs in the bleachers at hockey games. Sometimes we drink from the same bottle of Bailey’s or Fireball.
It serves us right.
I get it.
I just don’t like it.
I try to stay ahead of all the grossness by making my kids wash their hands as soon as they get home from school. I also make them wash their hands before they use the toilet in public washrooms and after. I’m a bit of a psycho when it comes to the hand washing. But, it works. I swear.
Church and Dwight sent me this printable that they thought would be helpful.
The only thing I wish they added was vodka. Because I seriously need a vodka when my kids are home sick from school.
This post was brought to you by Church and Dwight. I’m absolutely honoured to be a Church and Dwight Ambassador. I was compensated for this blog post.