Please Don’t Write About Me…

I recently asked a friend to refer me to someone who did pedicures.

She did and then told me, “But, don’t write about her on your blog. Because she is kind of horrified that you will.”

I advised my friend to tell my new pedicure person, that I will only write about her if she says something stupid.

So, Saturday came and went and I had a wonderful pedicure…


She was a lovely woman, who did a great job and I enjoyed the experience very much.

But, sadly, she didn’t say anything stupid.  I mean yes we had some stupid conversations but she didn’t say anything too stupid for me to write about on the blog. And even if she had, I probably wouldn’t have said anything because she knows about my blog.


I am a reeeeeeeal big shot.

I miss those days sooooooooo much.  The days when I could say whatever the hell I wanted about whoever the hell I wanted.

When I could make fun of my girlfriends for getting Glamour Shots as gifts for the husbands at Christmas.

When I could share that my neighbour wears his swimsuit in the shower.

When I could tell you how stupid my friends sound.

When I could tell you that I totally busted a friend having sex.

When I could tell you about how hot all the Old Mom’s are at school pick up.

When I could talk crap about the jerky Mom  at the park.

When I could tell you that my friend had sex 3x in one day.

There are many times that I want to tell you about the terrible service I got at the grocery store or about the jerk in the parking lot at my sons pre school or the funny things I see at Birthday parties or dance class, or at school pick up or at story time. But, I can’t.  These people used be more anonymous then they are now.

Now, they are giving me pedicures and hoping to hell I don’t talk.

Please Note: I did take this photo with her permission. But, just enough permission to post it on my Facebook and Instagram not here. For the record I hope you are following me on Instagram because I am wonderfully fun there.