Dirty Hair Don’t Care…

Guess who went to Vegas and only washed her hair once?

Well, I actually never even washed it. I got a professional blow out (get your mind out of the gutter) at Original Diva  in the amazing Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood.  I might be the laziest person you have ever met. Listen, Vegas is a blast. Who has time to do their hair. Not me.

You know what I did the rest of the time?


4692•Batiste Cherry V4It was seriously sent from the heavens. Don’t believe me?

Look at the evidence from my Vegas Vacation last week….

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Yes, I have been known to make my own Dry Shampoo, but it isn’t as quick and fresh smelling as Batiste.  I love this product so much that I take it with me absolutely every where I go. I have a couple travel sized ones that even sit in my purse. This product is also perfect if you have thin hair. It gives it a ton of vavavoom.

I whip the little mofo’s out constantly.

I force people to use them.

I give them away.

Big ol’ life changer.

p.s Be on the look out for me. I might just spray you down next time I see you at the mall.

I love being part of the Church & Dwight team. Yes, I do get some perks to chat about their products that I use.  But, I actually talked the company because of this product.  I pretty much told them they HAD TO WORK WITH ME because of Batiste. I’m a stalker. Deal with it.