My Front Load Washing Machine Stinks…

My front load washing machine stinks and its really ticking me off.

First of all, I never bought it, it came with the house. And honestly, I was more excited about the washing machine than I was about having more than one pooper.

FYI:  Pooper is toilet in Mommy’s Weird talk. Not in Kyla talk. That’s just crass.


My old washing machine was an apartment sized washer that was kept in a room that was not really winterized.  So, when we bought this house I really thought I was on The Jefferson’s.

Sing it with me…

“We’re Moving On Up… to the East Side….”

Stinky Washing Machine Stinky Washing Machine Mold in washing machine



Weirdly, the washing machine is set up in what I call the “mudroom”, which is at the main door. As soon as anyone walks into my house all they can smell is mildew.

I am embarrassed by my front load washing machine.

First World Problem?


But irritating as all hell.

I don’t even want to hear about the washing stuff you can buy to wash your washing machine.

Are you kidding me?

It’s a washing machine.

It does not need to have its own special soap to be washed with.

Seriously, is my washing machine Lady Mary from Downton Abbey? Shall I add some lavender to it?

Yes, I know I could be doing my washing down by the river with some rocks. For the record, I think I would be very good at balancing a load of laundry on my head.

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p.s  Facebook is being a pain in the ass. If you want to stay up to date with everything going down on Mommy’s Weird, please remember to sign up via email. It’s easier than cleaning mildew out of your front load washing machine.

Also, this post has affiliate links. I need to pay for a new washing machine somehow.