I don’t usually do this.
Actually this is the very first picture of my personal life that I have ever posted on Mommy’s Weird.
I have to share it today, because today my smart, funny, rotten, goofy three year old daughter turns four.
We didn’t name her for a week.
FYI: My cousins took 3 months to name their son. They even ended up having to pay a fine to the government for taking so long to file his paperwork. So, apparently it runs in the family.
It was just way too much stress for me. I would lay awake for hours at night just stressed to the gills. I desperately wanted to call her a different name. And I forced it onto her. I kept saying it to her. I kept writing and re writing it. I even tried yelling it at her.
But, it just didn’t work.
It just wasn’t her.
So we named her Whirlwind. And she is totally a Whirlwind. I can’t believe I was going to call her anything else!
And then the name we WERE going to call her. Well, that is what we named her brother.
I guess I can’t let things go.