I cried today.
Ugh. I know.
This isn’t that kind of blog.
Stick with me here….
I go back to work in 10 days. The idea of leaving Baby Bot is making me sick to my stomach. I also cannot believe that I did this with Whirlwind. I mean, I practically left her with a complete stranger!
Going back to work after having Whirlwind was a real struggle for me. I just didn`t want to. Zed keeps reminding me that after one week I was VERY happy with my decision. Working makes me a better Mom. If that doesn`t make any sense to you, it never will.
So yes, all in all I like my job. Okay, I love my job. I love the company I work for. I love that I get paid to do something that I love. And I really really like my co workers.
And now some truth serum….
I love to be inappropriate.
I love to tell my co workers to “Suck it.“
I love the free golf, hockey and concert tickets.
I love taking the station vehicle to go get McDonalds.
I love wearing my airwalks to work.
I love all the free food.
Mostly, I like putting in three, 8 minute classic rock songs in a row so I can go and poop.