Zed and I tried to watch Tree of Life the other night. We gave it a good 35 minute try. We just could not commit. I love artsy indie films. But I just could NOT do it. I am sorry Brad Pitt. I am sorry Sean Penn.
So instead we ended up watching this instead….
Which was FANTASTIC! I didn’t know it was based on a true story about the CIA agent that was “outed” and caused such a scandal in the US around 9/11.
After we watched the movie. There just happened to be a really good article about Valerie Plame in Maclean’s.
I know I should be talking about how smart she is.
I know I should be talking about all the lives she has saved.
I know I should be talking about all the good she has done.
I know I should be talking about how strong she is.
But, I just want to talk about how smoking hot she is.