How To Watch Christmas Movies…

Baby Bot is obsessed with “Home Alone”.  Yes, its funny but its also a little bit dis-concerning.

Recently I said,  “If you do not hurry up, I am going to leave……!”

I ccouldn’t even finish the sentence before he lights up like Cheech and Chong. It’s not until then do I realize what I have even said to him.  It’s also a bit adorable. I have been talking about it a ton over on Mommy’s Weird Facebook page.


We are all about Christmas this house.

I blame Netflix.

And its not just Home Alone, which is also on Netflix.

Let me break down how you should watch holiday movies, m’kay….

Start with something that you know for sure the kids are going to loooooove and that you can go into the other room and wrap presents, but still walk in and watch for a a bit because those animal are funnier than watching your neighbour slip on his icy step. I just love Madagascar. Especially those stupid little fat penguins…

Merry Madagascar

Your next step, is graduating to something that you really like, but it still has enough kid refrences in it that your kids are sort of interested, but also uninterested enough that they might pull out a book after Buddy drinks that 2 Litre of pop in one gulp. This is also the movie your husband will giggle at til he pees. He might pee. He might. You have been warned.

I give you Elf…..

elf movie

And now its time for you Big Momma. This is the movie you watch after your kids go to sleep and it is also the movie that you save for when your husband is going  to the hockey game. You save it  because he hates it so much he would rather pour boiling butter tart innards on his groin than watch Liam Neeson fall in love.


Love Actually

Love Actually


I am part of the Netflix Stream Team.  It’s the best of the best. I get to watch movies, find out about up coming releases and get little surprise goodies to tell you all about it.

Like this…

King Julien is back and shaking his booty on Netflix on December 19, 2014,  in All Hail King Julien, with 5 new episodes!  My kids are super excited. Forget how many more sleeps til Santa, how many more sleeps til King Julien?!
